Warning For Water

This is based on a traditional German song, Guckt nicht im wasserquellen, which says Don’t look into the water well. The water is deceitful, but wine is enjoyable. Better look at the wine.

This is an old classic among German choirs and has also been covered by Vasa Drängar, here in Atlanta. However in 2007 when Lake Lanier was at a record, and there was a water shortage with rationing in Atlanta, the need to conserve water was greater than ever. With our sensitive fingers on the pulse of where we can have a positive impact on our community, we felt compelled to do our part in the water conservation effort. Shortly thereafter we had composed an English version of the song which follows the spirit of the German original, but very specifically helps people understand how they can take part in the water conservation effort.

Click the link below to listen to the song . The German version is immediately followed by the English.